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Our Staff


Mickey And JoAnn Hollars


Bro Mickey and Mrs. JoAnn were married in 1972. They have 3 children. Donna Schepers, Wife of Stew Schepers Missionary to Dominican Replublic. Gloria Clark and her husband Greg Clark a pastor in Alaska, and Craig hollars living in Oklahoma. They also have 14 grandchildren scattered abroad.


Bro. Hollars spent 15 years as youth pastor and assistant pastor under his father-in-law, Bill Jackson, in Duncan OK. He then pastored Baptist Temple in Fort Worth, TX for 20 years. He then taught at Champion Baptist College for 5 years. He then felt God’s calling to come to Ada Baptist Temple. Pastor and his wife came to Ada Baptist Temple in May of 2011 and have loved every minute of it.

Alec and Delayna Radford

Youth Director

Bro. Alec grew up in Up-State New York and Mrs. Delayna grew up as a missionary kid in the Dominican Republic. They both met at Pensacola Christian College, where Alec studied youth ministries and Delayna studied graphic design and missions. They graduated and got married in May of 2019 and began working with the teens at Ada Baptist Temple that same summer. 


Johnny and Dianah Stephens

Children's Director

Bro. Johnny and Mrs. Dianah were married in 1986 and have 4 children. Matthew, Faith, Leah, and Caleb. Bro. Johnny served as youth pastor at Fair Avenue Baptist Church in Gainesville Tx. He attended Temple Baptist College in Fort Worth and was the Assistant Director at the Baptist Rescue Mission for two years. He then Pastored in southwest Oklahoma for 3 years. For over 20+ years Bro. Johnnys passion has been serving as a teacher preacher and director of various children’s ministries. Statistics show that 76% of people are saved between the ages of 5-12 and Bro. Johnnys heart and calling are for those young people.

Tammie Tackett


Tammie has been part of ABT since 1988. She grew up here as a teenager until she left  for Bible College. She then served at a boy’s home for 15 years before returning to ABT and serving as the church secretary. Tammie is married with 5 children and 1 granddaughter. Her and her husband also serve as the

Pre-school children’s church teachers.

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